Monday, April 15, 2013

Roger Billings Featured in Time Magazine - 2003

I am coming back to this article from Time Magazine back in July 2003 titled "Hydrogen Is in His Dreams". Though it is by no means the most exhaustive report on Roger Billings' hydrogen work, it does seem to capture just how long he's been pushing for a hydrogen economy.  You sure get the impression from this and other reports that this long time "dream" of his has gotten him a lot of flack from special interests along with a lot of naysayers over the years.  With major car manufacturers and even oil companies getting on the hydrogen bandwagon though, today that dream seems closer than ever to coming true.

Roger Billings in Time Magazine

Also check out some of his books on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hear Roger Billings Tell His Story - Maker Faire 2011

Now to much more current material, here's a full video I found from the Maker Faire in Kansas City less than two years ago.  It looks like the Maker Faire is a convention about all things high-tech and self-made, from robots to hats.  It was put on by the Kauffman Foundation of Entrepreneurship and others.  See more videos about the Maker Faire.

What I found very intriguing and enjoyable, was to hear Roger Billings tell his own story in such a detailed way.  He talks all the way from his experiences being mentored by Bill Lear to his current work on data security, all with some laughs in between.  If you are a fellow fan, you are going to love this.

Video: Roger Billings at the Maker Faire 2011

Monday, April 8, 2013

Roger Billings in Popular Science - 1981

OK, this is more history.  Though some of the concepts may be outdated now, take a look at the then "Smallest desk-top computer yet" two pages down and you get an idea how far ahead of his time Roger Billings is.

Roger Billings in Popular Science - 1981

Friday, April 5, 2013

Roger Billings' H2 Vehicles

An interesting collection of hydrogen-fueled projects features Roger Billings on pages 12 - 16 of this PDF document.

The report covers Billings' Superbeetle win at the Urban Vehicle Design competition, 21-passenger H2 bus, Cadillac Seville used for President Jimmy Carter’s inaugural parade, and The Hydrogen Homestead.

I also found a book list from Amazon with books by Roger Billings concerning his hydrogen projects.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

LaserCel - Roger Billings

Now a little more recent but still all the way back in the '90s, take a look this video from the 1991 Extraordinary Science Conference in Colorado Springs, CO: Roger Billings LaserCel 1991 Video

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Roger Billings - If the Apple Did Not Fall - 1971

Here's an interesting blast from the past.  I found a paper written by Roger Billings back in 1971 while he was still in college.  It was in response to a call from the Gravity Research Foundation for essays with unique perspectives on gravity.  Here it is:

Roger Billings' If the Apple Did Not Fall (.pdf)

The published list of Roger Billings' competition that year shows international interest for many well known universities including University of Cambridge, University of California, Stanford, Tel-Aviv University, and many others.

I enjoyed the bio and list of awards at the end -- quite a list for 22 years young.  To me the paper inspires one to think "out of the box" and believe that the next quantum leap in science might just happen today.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Here is my first collection of links about Roger Billings with commentary:

Hydrogen Now - This is the official blog of Roger Billings regarding Hydrogen energy. It is a collection of interesting stories and thoughts about what it will take to get the world on a new energy system. I have a feeling that if there is big news of Billings' hydrogen work, it will show up here.

Time Magazine, Dr. Roger Billings, "Dr. Hydrogen" - This is a reprint of a well done story by Time Magazine a while back regarding Roger Billings' hydrogen background. It tells some of the story with an interesting perspective for the time.

Roger E. Billings - Welcome to the International Association for ... - Here is a bio with some interesting background notes about Roger Billings -- did you know he was featured in People Magazine and a guest on Good Morning America?

Omni Magazine, Dr. Roger Billings, "The Hydrogen Man" - A little older story but it's neat to read about a scientist drinking water that came out of his car's exhaust pipe!

Dr. Roger Billings - Here's a new one with some "big picture" looks at not just his work on hydrogen but also other industry projects and technology. Neat stuff.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Notice: This is unofficial commentary by a fan of Roger Billings and has not been authorized by him.