Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hear Roger Billings Tell His Story - Maker Faire 2011

Now to much more current material, here's a full video I found from the Maker Faire in Kansas City less than two years ago.  It looks like the Maker Faire is a convention about all things high-tech and self-made, from robots to hats.  It was put on by the Kauffman Foundation of Entrepreneurship and others.  See more videos about the Maker Faire.

What I found very intriguing and enjoyable, was to hear Roger Billings tell his own story in such a detailed way.  He talks all the way from his experiences being mentored by Bill Lear to his current work on data security, all with some laughs in between.  If you are a fellow fan, you are going to love this.

Video: Roger Billings at the Maker Faire 2011

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